Tuesday, January 8, 2013


 What does history mean to me?

For me history means something that happened in the past. Something that is very important and useful in the future. It can be something good or bad, something happy or sad, and similar. This helps us compare our life and the lives before us. What was happening, were, how,why, and what caused it. We learn from our mistakes, and from the things that happened in the past. Just by that we try to skip all the bad accidents that might cause damage to us, people, things around us. Also from history we define our self. We know who were our relatives, were we come from, and our hole roots. It is very important from were you come from, and to know everything possible about you and your whole family. History helps us in many parts such as technology. Technology has improved a lot and many things we now do are more efficient then in the past. Lets say telephone. the whole thaughts about telephones started with a string telephone. Down in the picture you could see how they looked and that they were not so long. You could have used them only on areas close to were they were placed.
Now there are real telephones that you can use in houses, and with your self were ever you go.

Why is it important to study?
It is very important to study because you wouldn't be able to know and be informed of anything that happened in the future, where you come from, and similar.

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