Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Parents Interview

Me: What is your name?
Father: My name is Lee Hong Rae.

Me: How old are you?
Father: I'm fourtyone years old.

Me: Where are you from?
Father: I'm from South Korea.

Me: What do you do?
Father: I working Yura.

Me: Was Why you come to this country?
Father: Because Yura want I working in here.

Me: What is your favorite?
Father: Watch the movies.

Me: How large is your family?
Father: Wife, son, and me.

Me: Finally, short sentence please.
Father: Son, I want you speak English well.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How has 9/11 changed our physical world?

How has 9/11 changed our physical world?

Traveling has become since 9/11 very tiring because there are many security checks in the airports around the world. This means travelers have to go to the airports much earlier than 9/11. The queues are much longer than before and travelers are more nervous during the traveling. The security industry ha s benefited from this new environment because a lot of investments in equipment and people have been made to make traveling safer. even though people make complain about this new setup, there has been no more attacks on US territory since 9/11.

Parents Interview

September 17 2012


11/9/2001 my mom was driving with my sister Ajda and me to visit my grandfather. My mom was listening to the radio and heard shocking news that two airplanes crashed in to the Tween  Towers. At first my mom was thinking it was a joke! When we came to our grandfather's house he asked my mom if she heard the news that happened in New York City. My mom turned on the tv and saw terrible videos of what happened. My family was shocked.11/9/2001 was a terrible day but my family was not directly affected with the terrorist attack. Although we weren't affected by the accident, we were really sorry for all the people who died and  all the family s who lost a member or friends.

Lan Mozetic intervene Jasmina Mozetic

Sunday, September 16, 2012

9/11 parents interview


That day the whole world was terrified by the attack of the terrorists on the twin towers in New York. My grandma was at her home in the kitchen, she left the tv on and wasnt totally paing attention to what was on it. She was wathing an aroplain crash in two buildings and because she didn't pay attention to the tv fully, she thought that it was a movie and started watching it, suddenly she noticed the people running and screaming for their lives and she realised thet it was reality and that an airoplane really had crashed into the twin towers. She couldn't believe that someone could do such a thing and want to hurt over 3,000 lives. My parents and my grandmother say that 9/11 has not changed their life at all, the only event that has changed their life is the bomming in 2000.

Interview by: Tara Jevrosimovic
Interviewd: Marta Rakic, Ines Jevrosimovic & Veselin Jevrosimovic

How has 9/11 changed our physical world?

After 9/11 the airport security has improved. Now people have no trust for each other. But mostly people fear Arabs more. The Americans realized that lots of people actually hate them. After that, lots of wars occurred between U.S.A and the middle east.  People started hating each other much more. And even after all this, the world is no safer.

Interviewing parents

Interviewing our parents
    9/11 has changed many lives and many things but there is also one more part. Security has grown much bigger everywhere and in the airports too. Know everything is very serious and nobody could feel unsafe, especially at the airport.

How Has 9/11 Changed Our "Physical World" Over The Past Ten Years

I interviewed my dad and he said, "The 9/11 has changed the world because it gives a new meaning to the war and the way we should look at the national and human security. The war is no longer between the two or more sovereign nations but it can goes beyond the territorial border. The parties or the players in this new war are not necessarily from the military or state armed forces (with uniform) but it can be anybody including the civil society."


When i ınterviwed my mother, she said that airport securıty has became even greater sınce 9/11.   You can no longer take liquids over 100ml on board like bottled water.  There are new and iımproved security screens and it takes a lot longer to go through security because of searches.

Interview with dad

How has 9/11 changed our “Physical world” over the past ten years?

9/11 act of terrorism has brought the whole world together to formulate a global strategy, with a sense of solidarity and mutual cooperation among all the countries, to fight against this menace of terrorism.