Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Climate Change

Evidence: When, we drive,burn fossil fuels , use coal burning heating ,  we burden the earths climate. We participate in what is known as the greenhouse effect, by adding to the  warming up of the earth to limits higher than what they are supposed to be. The sun already sends  rays that warm up the earth and when the earth is too hot it releases rays also, the infrared rays. When these rays don't pass the atmosphere they are absorbed by greenhouses gases which warm the Earth further. Its a process, that would change our world.

Impacts: Scientists are looking at weather patterns in many different countries. They are looking at how will climate change look like in the future. They have special computers to do that. Some people are dedicated to study our survival and our affects to climate change. Some say that it will bring positive affects along with the negative.

Adaptations: How can we adapt to these weather changes, and mostly how can we help our planet? There are many possibilities to do this if we follow certain steps. One way to help is to use natural energy sources like: Solar power, wind power, geothermal power and etc.

Policies:  In1997, the Kyoto treaty considered to reduce global warming and was established by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change aka UNFCCC. Many nations signed it with the exception of USA. In May 2006, in the Bonn Conference  representatives from 165  countries met and discussed about this issue. They also talked about joining  efforts as countries in order  to work together to face the problem. In 2008, the  G8 summit in Tokyo, Japan leaders made an agreement on climate change to reduce gasses from the greenhouse by 2050. 

Monday, October 29, 2012


Our earth is heated by the sun rays that our sun sends to us. Some of these rays get through our atmosphere while others do not. The ones that do escape the earth’s atmosphere are called infrared rays. The heat rays that don’t escape the atmosphere are caught by greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases warm the earth to the temperature we have now. Without this ‘cycle’ earth that we know today would be about 30C colder than it is now.

1.       Sea levels
2.       Floods
3.       Food
4.       Animals Dying
5.       Health
Sea levels expand when they absorb heat. That is how they rise. Flooding has become something very dangerous and they happen a lot more than they used to. Floods are bad because they cause houses to destroy which makes people lose their homes. Crops or food would be hard to harvest due to the change of temperature. In order for crops to grow properly they need a constant temperature. Animals need food which cannot be provided because it cannot grow due to the change of temperature. Difference in climate also affects people’s health. Their bodies aren’t used to such change.

Some ways we can help are by turning off our lights, not using electronic devices so often and recycling. All these ways could help our earth.

1.       Kyoto Treaty
2.       Bonn Conference
3.       G8 Summit, Toyako, Japan
We were searching for a way to reduce global warming in 1997. They also discussed how to reduce heat-trapping gasses to respond to the impacts that climate change has on us. 

Green House Effect

Green House Effect

Green house effect is in the center of climate change. The earth gets heated up by the sun. Sun sends solar rays to our earth. Some rays do not pass through our atmosphere, and some do. The ones that pass through heat up our earth. When the earth warms up it radiates  own rays of heat. Those are called infrared rays.
We are producing too many green house effects which warm up the earth too much. One of green house effects is "Carbon Dioxide" It is made from chopping and burning off the trees. Also the gas that is used in  `cars, buses, trains, plains,and much more. It is too late to prevent global warming, but we could all at least stop the growth of global warming.

Many scientists predict that the climate will change pretty soon. The water of seas or oceans will grow for new higher levels, as many floods could be from natural causes. Also our health problems would get bigger because of the climate changes. Now there will be fewer colder winters. To these problems the bacterias spread even more and mach more people get sick.

Many scientists say that its too late to stop global warming, but we could all at least try. We cant solve the problem totally but we could at least slow it down and bring it to the minimum. 

In 1997 Kyoto and the team were looking for solutions to global warming and how it could be stopped. In 2006 165 delegates from from different countries came to solve the problem of global warming and find a way to reduce heat trapping. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Greenhouse Effect


Since the greenhouse effect is in the center of the climate change debate, we need to know a lot about it. The sun heats up the earth using solar rays. The rays that don't escape the atmosphere are absorbed by greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases warm up the earth. Without this earth would be too cold. But we produce too many greenhouse gases, causing global warming. Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide. We need to reduce the amount of fuel and deforestation. According to scientists its too late to stop global warming, but we can, and should, slow it down.


Scientists predict impacts such as and increase in precipitation and sea levels, perhaps and increase in flooding. Things that may affect our health, agricultural practices, and wildlife.


Regular use of renewable energy, like solar power, wind power, geothermal, water power, and nuclear energy. We are also starting to build houses sturdy enough to survive more severe weather conditions.


The Kyoto treaty was set up in 1997 to consider what could be done about global warming, it includes many countries all over the world. In May 2006 the Bonn Conference saw delegates from 165 different countries in order to discuss how to reduce heat-trapping. The also discussed issues in less industrialized countries also facing problems caused by climate change. At the G8 Summit in 2008 Japan leaders agreed on a statement of reducing at least 50% of the greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Information from BBC Weather Centre- http://www.bbc.co.uk/climate/evidence/

Climate Change

The Sun uses its rays to warm our planet but not all of them can make it through our atmosphere, when the Earth heats up it produces infrared rays (rays of heat radiated from Earth). Infrared rays
that don't leave our atmosphere "are absorbed by greenhouse gases". Greenhouses gases also heat the Earth, but we are producing too many of these gases therefore warming our planet even more.

Many scientists are predicting changes in our climate such as an increase in sea levels and precipitation and naturally, flooding. This may also affect our health with milder winters meaning less "cold-related deaths", on the other hand, bacteria would no longer "die-off seasonally" giving illness the chance to spread more widely. More heatwaves also equals more skin cancer.

Though some scientists say it is too late to stop global warming there is no reason for us not to try, especially with the wide range of alternatives which are available such as energy saving light bulbs and solar panels. A change of habits is also required to make a difference.


Climate Change

Climate Change 


The green house effect is good and it is really important for our planet because it doesn't make us cold and without it, our planet would be really cold. This keeps us warm but when they produce too much gasses, it really effects our planet. The gasses that are not from the green house effect can come from example: cars and factories but it is also polluting. Global Warming is when earth gets more and more gasses and the green house effect and it absorbs it.


- Sea levels
Seas will expand when it absorbs heat from from the atmosphere and that could make the sea levels can rise.

- Floods
Flooding can be really bad for houses and other buildings because people can lose their homes, and also death. This is now happening a lot in places compared before.

- Agriculture
Crops will be hard to grow when climate changes because it needs the right temperature.

- Animals And Plants Dying
Climate is important for plants and animals because not all of them can live in the same climate and environment and if the climate changes, it can be dangerous for plants and animals and they could die.

- Health
Climate changes could be bad for humans because it can effect your life by your body and people can get sick and some other change to the people's health.


- Turn Off Lights
We can turn of the lights that is on like when sleep or leave your room.

- Turn Off Electronic Devices 
Games, Computers, Phones, etc.

- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Recycle so that we can re-use and it reduces pollution.


- Kyoto Treaty
They were searching a way to reduce Global Warming in 1997.

- Bonn Conference
They were discussing how to cooperate to reduce heat-trapping gasses and to respond to climate change impacts.

- G8 Summit, Toyako, Japan
The leaders were agreeing a climate change statement that reffered to 'The Vision' of achieving at least a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2050.

These informations were all from The BBC Weather Centre.

Global Warming

Evidence “The climate is always changing, in the past the global warming was caused by nature.” (BBC Weather Centre.) Now the humans do everything they can to pollute the Earth, it seems. “The changes that are predicted over the next hundred years are said to be caused by mostly human behavior. The greenhouse effect is said to intensify because of humans.” (BBC Weather Centre.) Impacts “How does global warming affect us? Many wonder if global warming will cause higher sea levels and precipitation. Does this mean there will be an increase of flooding? Will agricultural practices change? How will wildlife cope?” (BBC Weather Centre.) There are millions of questions, but all I can say is that nobody knows. Adaption “I will give you a few examples about how we might change the way we live in order to cope with potential changes to our climate. For example, we will use a lot more of renewable energy, like solar power, wind power, geothermal, nuclear energy and water power.” (BBC Weather Centre.) Policies “In 1997 the Kyoto treaty was set up to consider what could be done to reduce global warming. The Kyoto treaty involves most countries with an exception of the United States. In 2006 the Bonn Conference met to discuss further strengthen international cooperation to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases. At the 2008 G8 summit in Tokyo, Japan leaders agreed a statement on climate change which referred to ‘the vision’ of achieving at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050” (BBC Weather Centre.)

Climate Change

Over the last hundred years, human beings have used machines which have affected the natural environment. The greenhouse effect keeps the air warmer than usual and therefore global warming is now a problem for our planet.


The pollution impacts and affects the people because their own people are polluting the planet by using vehicles, machines, planes and factories. One example of global warming is in Africa where a lack of rain means that if there are not enough crops grown, people get hungry and if people get hungry they get sick or die.
People have to get adapted by not using cars, instead they should use more bicycles, also people have to adjust to do the recycling at their homes like that the trash and garbage will be sorted. If people don't do the recycling it all gets mixed into one pile. People have also to get adapted to not use a lot of water, to save more water by being efficient (5 minutes shower instead of 10 minutes).


Governments have to agree to make laws so that people do not pollute as much as now. The policies have to be respected by all citizens so that everyone contributes to reducing global warming.



Climate Change

The evidence was put down as climate change so the climate change is different weather (climates) in different places, and how it is always changing. when we talk about climate change the green house effect is really important. It is gases that is keeping the earth warm, but it can get to warm. People have predicted that in the next 100 years the human behavior will have a large affect on natural changes.

Scientist all around the world are looking at evidence and climate using very good computer models to find the future weather predictions. 

There is a list of things that would help stop affecting climate change example. renewable energy is becoming more popular, people are using other energy sources like solar power, wind power, geothermal power and nuclear power. There is much more you can do at home. 

Policies is when they earth is being polluted by cars and factory which make global warming. through alot of years people have been trying to stop it.


The greenhouse effect is in the middle of climate change debate.We create greenhouse gases by coping and burning trees.When the sun sends sun rays the rays go throw our atmosphere and hit our planet!Some of the rays stay in the atmosphere and heat the earth to much and the climate changes.The scientists say that it is to late to reduce greenhouse gases and that we might have a change in the atmosphere.


Lan Mozetic 6A