Tuesday, January 8, 2013


What is history?
History is the past. it is stuff that  happened long time ago. It is also very old structures that men built. 

Why do we study history?
We study history because it is very interesting. to study history we need to think critically. Also we need to study history because we want to know all about it and also we want to know it for many years. 

What does history mean to me?
history means to me that things that human beings have invented or made stuff. it means to me that people know a lot. 

why is it so important to me to study it?

it important to me to study it because if people do not study these things they will forget all about it and the kids in the school wont have something to study about or to write about.

EX: Nicola Tesla invented the electricity.
EX: Egyptian pyramid.
EX: Mexican ruins.
EX: first telephone invented.
EX: first person to fly to the moon. Ex: Armstrong.

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