Sunday, September 16, 2012

9/11 parents interview


That day the whole world was terrified by the attack of the terrorists on the twin towers in New York. My grandma was at her home in the kitchen, she left the tv on and wasnt totally paing attention to what was on it. She was wathing an aroplain crash in two buildings and because she didn't pay attention to the tv fully, she thought that it was a movie and started watching it, suddenly she noticed the people running and screaming for their lives and she realised thet it was reality and that an airoplane really had crashed into the twin towers. She couldn't believe that someone could do such a thing and want to hurt over 3,000 lives. My parents and my grandmother say that 9/11 has not changed their life at all, the only event that has changed their life is the bomming in 2000.

Interview by: Tara Jevrosimovic
Interviewd: Marta Rakic, Ines Jevrosimovic & Veselin Jevrosimovic

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