Sunday, September 2, 2012

What benefits can studying geography provide?

What Benefits Can Studying Geography Provide?

One benefit of studying geography is that it can help you in your life by passing geography tests, can help you in jobs. Ex: geographer, weather man.etc. Also it can get you a good career if you want to be a geographer. Also it can help the weather men. What weather is in what part of the world? by that they can inform  weather news’s on the net or newspaper so people wear the right clothes, if going somewhere not to take  the wrong car, To inform farmers so they can take their crops before the crops die., so people plan the right places to go to as a trip and so campers know where they should camp. studying geography can provide safety to everybody like for instance if a tornado is coming they should go underground, or for instance if a hurricane is coming so they can warn the people also if a tsunami is coming too they can also help. studying geography can also provide knowledge about the different parts of the world and how things manage there. Also after studying land geographers can study the future of how land is going to be or was in the past. These are the benefits of studying geography.

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