Sunday, August 26, 2012


How do threatening weather patterns affect people and why do geographers study these patterns?

Threatening weather patterns can effect people by crops not being able to grow and because of that food does not grow. the consequence of food not growing can be that animals that live there or near by don't get food or fed. Also another consequence can be that farmers don't get enough crops to sell and get less money which causes unemployment. So when farmers sell less, less food for us comes and also since less food comes, the market prises go higher.Then the people who are poor will starve. Weather patters can also effect animals by for instance if the animals are use to the cold and they will migrate but before they get a chance to it starts getting hot.They get one options to either adapt the hotness or they will die. for example if fishes start to die the predators which eat fish start to get less food or don't and starve or die. this climate change can also melt ice which increases amount of water which can lead to: Small island getting flooded, animals which live on ice drowning because the ice melts and they can’t swim forever. Geographers study these patters because they can warn the people and they can move animals which are in danger.

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