Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Climate Change

Evidence: When, we drive,burn fossil fuels , use coal burning heating ,  we burden the earths climate. We participate in what is known as the greenhouse effect, by adding to the  warming up of the earth to limits higher than what they are supposed to be. The sun already sends  rays that warm up the earth and when the earth is too hot it releases rays also, the infrared rays. When these rays don't pass the atmosphere they are absorbed by greenhouses gases which warm the Earth further. Its a process, that would change our world.

Impacts: Scientists are looking at weather patterns in many different countries. They are looking at how will climate change look like in the future. They have special computers to do that. Some people are dedicated to study our survival and our affects to climate change. Some say that it will bring positive affects along with the negative.

Adaptations: How can we adapt to these weather changes, and mostly how can we help our planet? There are many possibilities to do this if we follow certain steps. One way to help is to use natural energy sources like: Solar power, wind power, geothermal power and etc.

Policies:  In1997, the Kyoto treaty considered to reduce global warming and was established by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change aka UNFCCC. Many nations signed it with the exception of USA. In May 2006, in the Bonn Conference  representatives from 165  countries met and discussed about this issue. They also talked about joining  efforts as countries in order  to work together to face the problem. In 2008, the  G8 summit in Tokyo, Japan leaders made an agreement on climate change to reduce gasses from the greenhouse by 2050. 

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