Sunday, October 21, 2012

Top 10 ways children can help halt Global Warming

21. 10. 2012.

1.What are the top 10 ways children can help halt global warming?

1. Be Vegan
2. Plant Trees
3. Use Less Water
4. Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle
5.Switch Off Unused Appliances
6. Energy Saving at Home
7. Carpool
8. Walk or Ride A Bike
9.Reduce Youre Ecological Footprint
10. Use Your Voice

2. What are some ways that you will now do to help stop global warming?
I will unplug my computer/ phone/ camera..... I will turn off the lights while exitting the room. I wont waste a lot of water.

3. What recommendation will you give family members to help reduce youre ecological footprint?
I will tell them not to waste much water. I will tell my sisters to stop charging their phones/ computers/.. for more than needed. I will turn off the lights that are not used in the moment.

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