Tuesday, January 8, 2013



What history means to me?-
  • How Earth was made?
  • Who was the first human on Earth?
  • The Big Bang
All these things are history to me. If I had to give a definition of history it would be: "Things that are in the past" and "Things that give us answers about ourselves". That's what history means to me.....

Why is History important to me to study it?-

To see what has happened in the past and why it was caused and who was it caused by. To seek the answers of life. Why is English like this? To find out these and more things, its important to study it.


What is history?
History is the past. it is stuff that  happened long time ago. It is also very old structures that men built. 

Why do we study history?
We study history because it is very interesting. to study history we need to think critically. Also we need to study history because we want to know all about it and also we want to know it for many years. 

What does history mean to me?
history means to me that things that human beings have invented or made stuff. it means to me that people know a lot. 

why is it so important to me to study it?

it important to me to study it because if people do not study these things they will forget all about it and the kids in the school wont have something to study about or to write about.

EX: Nicola Tesla invented the electricity.
EX: Egyptian pyramid.
EX: Mexican ruins.
EX: first telephone invented.
EX: first person to fly to the moon. Ex: Armstrong.


What does history mean to me to me?
History is one of information for prediction.
Bcause scientists can prediction when does earthquake come, how does earthquake come, and they(The Scientists) can prediction why does earthquake come.




 What does history mean to me?

For me history means something that happened in the past. Something that is very important and useful in the future. It can be something good or bad, something happy or sad, and similar. This helps us compare our life and the lives before us. What was happening, were, how,why, and what caused it. We learn from our mistakes, and from the things that happened in the past. Just by that we try to skip all the bad accidents that might cause damage to us, people, things around us. Also from history we define our self. We know who were our relatives, were we come from, and our hole roots. It is very important from were you come from, and to know everything possible about you and your whole family. History helps us in many parts such as technology. Technology has improved a lot and many things we now do are more efficient then in the past. Lets say telephone. the whole thaughts about telephones started with a string telephone. Down in the picture you could see how they looked and that they were not so long. You could have used them only on areas close to were they were placed.
Now there are real telephones that you can use in houses, and with your self were ever you go.

Why is it important to study?
It is very important to study because you wouldn't be able to know and be informed of anything that happened in the future, where you come from, and similar.

HISTORY OF BING he is history

What does history means for me. when I hear the word history I think about ancient Rome or big castles bur to it really means the ... PAST AND WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED IN THE PAST.
That is also way we have to study history. To learn from the past and don't make the same mistakes we made in the past.                                            


History- The study of People, Places, and Events of the past.

What History means to me is learning different things and what has happened in the past on our planet. I think it's interesting to know why different people from the past made different choices, maybe good, and maybe bad. I think it's really important to study this because without studying History, we wouldn't know anything about the differences of the past and now.

What does history mean to me? Why is it important for me to study it?

History means our past, our successes and failures a important thing in life that we will remember...its like a scar, it never goes away...so does our memory...it stays like a scar. (Unless you have amnesia)

Its important for me to study so I dont say clueless of what happened in our.. either dark or light past, maybe sometimes to feel proud of my country, like "Wow, my country never stopped fighting for their victory, they never surrendered"

This is my point of view, not anyone else's.... so dont judge me. 
History to me means, when people, place, or thing changes over a period of time. I think it is important to study it because we need to learn what it was like for people back in the past and be grateful for what we have today, and that not everything was the same. We need to learn that everything started out differently and took time and changed to what it is now. History is very important for me to learn because sometimes i ask my self how did this start? Who started this? or what was this like back then? It is important to know.


History is like time travel, History is showing us how times where in the past and how we are now.History is basically our lives from the past with our ancestors and in the future with new and exiting possibilities. That's what history means to me. 
So i think why is it so important? Its important because its teaching us how we lived in the past and how tough things where back then. It's showing us the gate way to our futures which are really important and because of disasters in the past we want to know how to get ready for new ones like one of the quotes im not sure who said it "If you forgot the past you will be doomed to live it again" I think it goes like that. so that"s why i think it's important to study history.


What does history means to me?                                                                                              Brandon
>what the past was like and how we can improve from it.                                                     Jan. 8, 2013
Why is it important for me to study it?
>so that i can understand how living back then has affected living nowadays.

what does history mean to me?

History is important because we can know how it change from past to now. History is the past to me. History can be time machine. We learn history by reading the book.


For me, History represents the BIG steps that led to today. Without history nothing would be the same. History brings forward the creativity in you. Personally, I think history is VERY interesting. I have even considered being a professor in medieval age, and maybe I will. There is nothing as interesting for me as history. History is important to study because the past will show us what has happened, and what we have to do. History- The study of People, Places, and Events of the past.

What does history mean to me? Why is it important for me study it?

To me History is a collection of people and events who changed the world in a good or a bad way. It's important for me to learn because it can help me not make the same mistakes in the future. Also the past is interesting. And I can feel smart when I discuss events of the past with other people.


History is the past. History means to be learning of the past: (people,animals,plants)

History is important to me because of learning the  past of man kind. I need to know history to know what happened in the past.