Saturday, October 20, 2012

10 Ways to halt global warming

10. Use your voice, speak up and pass down on what you know about climate change.
9. We all need to reduce our ecological footprint.
8. We can either ride a bike or walk to short distances because you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
7. When it too far to walk or ride a bike to a certain place arrange a carpool, to reduce carbon dioxide.
6. Energy saving at home. We can do that by putting eco friendly light bulbs and when it is cold outside put another layer of clothes instead of turning on the heater.
5. Make sure that anything electrical that’s not been needed or used switched off.
4. The three R’s that will help us in our way to stop global warming: Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle
3. We all need to use less water because that way we save for every one because plants, animals and humans need water.
2. Grow trees! Encourage others to do it too because to many have been cut down over the years and we need trees for oxygen.
1. All of us can be vegan or vegetarians which is the best way to help our environment.              

Top 10 Ways Children Can Help Halt Global Warming

What are the top 10 ways children can help halt global warming? 
10. Use your Voice. 
9. Reduce Your Ecological Footprint.
8. Walk or Ride to School.
7. Carpool.
6. Energy Saving at Home.
5. Switch off unused appliances.
4. Reduce, re- use, recycle.
3. Use Less Water.
2. Plant Trees.
1. Be vegan or Vegetarian.

What are some ways that you will now do to help stop Global Warming?

I can go cycling to school instead of going with a car, and i can carpool.

What recommendations will you give family members to help reduce  your Ecological Footprint?

I will give a recommendation that my family members should recycle more and that my family members should turn off lights when someone is not in the room. I also recommend my family members that they should turn off the water wile they are brushing their teeth and  when they are washing their hands.

Top 10 Ways Children Can Help Halt Global Warming (video)

Top 10 ways that children can help stop Global Warming

10. Use your voice to tell others about Global Warming.
9.   Reduce your ecological footprint.
8.   Walk or ride a bike.
7.   Car pool (take your friends with you: less car)
6.   Energy saving at home.
5.   Switch of unused appliances.
4.   Reduce, Re-use, Recycle!
3.   Use less water.
2.   Plant trees.
1.   Be vegan or vegetarian.

What are some ways that you will now do to help stop global warming?

I will do some of the top 10's from above because it's simple and not really hard and also if we could always do that, we could save our planet Earth.

What recommendations will you give family members to help reduce your ecological footprint? 

Recommendations that I would give to my family is to turn of the lights when sleeping because it's wasting energy and also not good for your body. Also I would recommend to turn of the tap when brushing their teeth, washing hands, and when washing the dishes. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Top 10 ways children can help halt global warming

top 10 to help halt global warming?
  1. Being vegitarian or being vegan
  2. Plant trees
  3. Use less water
  4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  5. Switch off unused application
  6. Energy saving at home
  7. Carpool
  8. Walk or ride a bike
  9. Reduce your Ecological foot print
  10. Use your voice
What are someway that you will now do to help stop global warming?
To help stop global warming we can plant alot of trees, save energy and ride bike or walk.
What recommendations will you give family members to help reduce your ecological footprint?
We can ask for families not to use alot of water and energy.