Saturday, October 27, 2012

Climate Change


1. Antarctica melting

2. Lots of land slides

3. Lots of rain

4. Acid rain

5. Sea level rising


1. Animal species dying

2. Human losses

3. Animals becoming extinct


1. Putting on clothes that is appropriate for the whether.

2. Getting used to the whether

3. Getting shots for the diseases in the country.


1. Start using organic fabricks.

I don't have more ideas.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Middle School Worst Years Of My Life. written by James Patterson.
        my book does not have an award.... sorry
The book, Middle School (worst years of my life) was wrote by James Patterson.

pages read 50  

in these 50 pages I've read so far, the main character Rafe, is on his first day of middle school has already noticed that he is going to hate school. he got to meat the school bully by accidentally siting in his seat, than went to an Assembly of the school that he is just now entering. all the students are excited while Rafe is totally not. after the cheerleaders do their routines to start the whole thing off, the vice principle went up to the microphone to introduce herself. then after that she started talking about the schools code of conduct and read every page of it. while Rafe is to the point where it is extreme boredom, his brother sitting next to him is drawing a picture of a boy disobeying all of the rules. then Rafe's brother had an idea, For Rafe to "break all the rules in the book." after his brother explained to Rafe how he could do it, Rafe was convinced. Rafe started of with the most simple rule in the book to break... Pull the fire alarm. so what he did was ask the teacher to go to the bathroom, and in his luck, the teacher let him. so as soon as he left he passed the bathroom to find the nearest fire alarm. then he pulled it, than ran as fast as he could back to the Assembly pretending like nothing happened. as soon as he got back to the Assembly, all the students were on a riot. As amazed as Rafe was, he couldn't believe that it all happened because of him. then by the time that was all over, the assembly was finished and everyone went home.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

climate change


  • Short and long term effect data shows temperature is getting warmer
  • See level is rising 
  • Arctic ice is melting
  • Fossil fuel emissions rising
  • Fierce storms and floods 
  • Wiled fires 
  • Heat waves
  • Antarctica melting 
  •  Use of renewable energy
  • Changing our habits at home
  • Building design

  • 1997 Kyoto  treaty
  • 2006 Bonn conferance
  • 2008 G8 summit in Toyako

Monday, October 22, 2012

1. Be vegetarians (don't eat meat)

2. plant trees ( Flowers, tree seeds or fruit.)

3. Don't wast so much water( still shower or bath but don't go over 20 30 min)

4.Reduce, reuse, recycle

5. switch of lights and unused appliances  

6. Energy saving at home

7. Car pool ( pick up friends that go to your school if they live close to you)

8. Wake or ride a bike

9. Reduce your ecological footprint

10. Inform others about global warming

sorry for not posting this yesterday

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halt Global warming

1.Top 10 ways
  1. Be vegetarians
  2. Plant trees
  3. Use less water
  4. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
  5. Switch off unused appliances
  6. Energy saving at home
  7. Car pool
  8. Walk or ride a bike
  9. Reduce your ecological footprint
  10. speak up about global warming to others

2. Ways you can help stop global warming.

Try to be vegetarian. I will plant trees and try to come to school on a bike.

3. Recommendation for family members to reduce your ecological footprint.

Each family member should plant at least 1 plant and eat less meat to save animals.

Top 10 ways children can help halt Global Warming

21. 10. 2012.

1.What are the top 10 ways children can help halt global warming?

1. Be Vegan
2. Plant Trees
3. Use Less Water
4. Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle
5.Switch Off Unused Appliances
6. Energy Saving at Home
7. Carpool
8. Walk or Ride A Bike
9.Reduce Youre Ecological Footprint
10. Use Your Voice

2. What are some ways that you will now do to help stop global warming?
I will unplug my computer/ phone/ camera..... I will turn off the lights while exitting the room. I wont waste a lot of water.

3. What recommendation will you give family members to help reduce youre ecological footprint?
I will tell them not to waste much water. I will tell my sisters to stop charging their phones/ computers/.. for more than needed. I will turn off the lights that are not used in the moment.

10 ways children can help stop global warming

  1. Pass on your knowledge
  2. Tell your family and friends
  3. Walk or ride a bike
  4. Carpool
  5. Energy at home
  6. Switch of unused apliances
  7. Reduce re-use and recycle
  8. Use less water
  9. Plant trees 
  10. Be vegetarian or vegan
2. I would bike to school if my parents allowed me to.

3. I would tell my parents to turn out the lights when they aren't using them.

Top ten ways children can help halt global warming

  1. use your voice and pass on your knowledge
  2. tell family and friends
  3. walk or ride a bike
  4. carpool
  5. energy at home
  6. switch or unused apliences
  7. reduce re use and recycle
  8. use less water
  9. plant trees 
  10. be vegetarian or vegan
2. I am going to tell my mother that i should walk to school to prevent carbon dioxide.
tell my sister to turn the lights of in her room before she goes to school so she doesn't wast energy (and i am always turning them off)

Top 10 Ways Children Can Help Halt Global Warming

What are the top 10 ways that children can help halt Global Warming?
1.        Be vegan
2.        Plant trees
3.        Use less water
4.        Recycle
5.        Swich off unused appliances
6.        Energy saving at home
7.        Car Pool
8.        Walk or ride a bike
9.        Reduce your ecological footprint
10.   Use your voice

What are some ways that you will now do to help stop global warming?

10 Ways Children Can Help Halt Global Warming

10. Use Your Voice
9. Reduce Your Ecological Footprint
8. Walk or Ride a Bike
7. Carpool
6. Save Energy at Home
5. Switch Off Unused Appliances
4. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
3. Use Less Water
2. Plant Trees
1. Be Vegan or Vegetarian

I will unplug the television/computer/other appliance after using it.

I will suggest that we use vegetable peelings to make compost at home.